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And now a questionaire. How many of my smart readers have discovered that Koko and Yum Yum
got their names from Gilbert and Sullivan? And Qwilleran copies his moustache from Mark Twain? And the series was inspired
by Anthoy Trollope? LJB

Below you'll find links to most, if not all, of Lilian
Jackson Braun's books. If you would like to see a picture of the book or read the summary, just click on the link! If you happen to know about a book not listed here, of if you would like to contribute a review or summary,
please contact us? Thanks :)

This style of mystery is usually more genteel than the other categories. They most often focus
on a main character with a remote aristocratic association, are set in a small community, and contain lots of distractions
and false leads. Except for a murder (or other crime) there is very little violence and no gory details of the crime. Examples:
Agatha Christie, Anne George, Phoebe Atwood Taylor, Lillian Jackson Braun, John Dickson Carr, E. C. Bentley.
Lilian Jackson Braun on EBay
Signed First Editions
Stories by LJB
Books/Articles About LJB
The Cat Who Quizzbook By Robert J Headrick (2003)
The Cat Who Cookbook by Julie Murphy/Sally Abney Stempinski (2000)
The Cat Who Reunion Cookbook (2006)
The Cat Who Companion by Sharon Feaster(1998)
The Cat Who Killed Lilian Jackson Braun (parody)
The Cat Who......
The Cat Who Had 60 Whiskers (2007)
The Cat Who Dropped A Bombshell (2006)
Two Cats, Three Tales (2006)
The Cat Who Went Bananas (2005)
The Cat Who Collection Volumes 1 & 2
The Cat Who Talked Turkey (2004)
The Private Life of the Cat Who (2003)
The Cat Who Brought Down The House (2003)
Short & Tall Tales - Moose County Legends (2002)
Three Complete Novels (2002)
The Cat Who Went Up The Creek (2002)
The Cat Who Smelled A Rat (2001)
The Cat Who Robbed A Bank (2000)
The Cat Who Saw Stars (1999)
The Cat Who Sang For The Birds (1998)
The Cat Who Tailed a Thief (1997)
The Cat Who Said Cheese (1996)
Three Complete Novels (1994)
The Cat Who Blew The Whistle (1994)
The Cat Who Came To Breakfast (1994)
The Cat Who Went Into the Closet (1993)
The Cat Who Wasn't There (1992)
The Cat Who Moved a Mountain (1992)
The Cat Who..Three Complete Novels (1991)
The Cat Who Knew A Cardinal (1991)
The Cat Who Lived High (1991)
The Cat Who Talked To Ghosts (1990)
The Cat Went Underground (1989)
The Cat Who Had 14 Tales (1988)
The Cat Who Sniffed Glue (1988)
The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare (1988)
The Cat Who Played Post Office (1987)
The Cat Who Played Brahms (1987)
The Cat Who Saw Red (1986)
The Cat Who Turned On and Off (1968)
The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern (1967)
The Cat Who Could Read Backwards (1966)

Other Books/Writings by Lilian Jackson Braun
Selected Writings on Feminism and Socialism (1987)
Mystery Cats (1991)
More Mystery Cats
Mystery Cats III
Midnight Louie's Pet Detectives