Welcome to Patti's Page! This is a selection of puzzles and fun things you can do
in your spare time. Some of them are really hard. Good luck!!

You'll need your zzz's to put this puzzle to bed. Add ZZ to each word below, then rearrange the letters to spell a
new word
For Example:
RUBE+ZZ = Buzzer

Fictional Cat Names Of Moose County
I have to apologize for the one NON cat related clue but we had letters form together by mistake
01. Qwilleran's partner in solving crimes
03. Resident brown longhair at Edd's Edition
09. Name of cat in steakhouse in Kennebeck
24. International organization of European countries formed after World War II (Abbr.)
31. Resident cat who lives at Pickax Public Library
32. Weatherman Wether B Goode's cat
06. Name of Polly's first cat
17. Black and white cat Arch and Mildred adopted
26. Freya was her first name
36. Female Siamese who lived with Polly
44. Celia Robinson adopted this black and white cat

QUIZ # 1
1. What was the address of Qwillerans first apartment?
2. When KoKo roles over in a hideous posture, contourts his face, and scratches his ear. What
is he telling you?
3.What is forbidden by city ordinance in Pickax?
4. How many traffic lights does Pickax have?
5. What were the names of the newspapers?

Missing Words
This is a passage from one of the TCW Red Backwards. Replace the words in
red with the right word.
Koko verb a low note in his throat, which Qwilleran assumed was noun.
In a cupboard he found a plate-white noun with a adjective,adjective noun. He verb the meat on it and placed
it on the noun alongside a adjective water bowl with the word noun in three noun. Koko jumped to the noun with
a verb walked to the plate and verb the beef. Then he looked up at Qwilleran
with noun display in the tilt of his ears.

How Well Do You Qwilleran????
1. What was the title of the book Qwilleran wrote?
2. What was the type of tobacco Qwilleran smoked?
3. What was Qwilleran's childhood nickname?
4. What was the motto of MacKintosh clan?
5. What was Qwilleran's father's name?
6. What was Qwilleran's ex-wife's name and job?
7. When is Qwilleran's birthday?
8. What was Qwilleran's birth name?
9. How many girlfriends did Qwilleran have?
10. What were thier names?
side note: For interesting information on the names Koko and Yum Yum, try and find a movie titled "The
Mikado".It's a comic opera by Gilbert abd Sullivan. The leading role are Clive Revill & William Conrad

Match Game
Happy Valentine's Day! See if you can match up the couples!
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Cat Who Cities and Streets
The following is a series of cities and street names found in the cat who books.
See how many you can guess.
01) xbyib noyuct 02)
klbac ekcre 03) kasreftba snidal 04) rrbr 05) dacran retset 06) phinkucm 07)
leadsidm 08) altepsan retset 09) brigedange yalel 10) dashrisehor 11) danini gilelav 12)
satbietweititis odar 13) nekbecekn 14) amau uhas 15) somoe noyuct 16) kapcix ticy 17)
vealretny odar