What you will need:
1 Piece of brown paper (or other heavier paper), approximately
10" (25cm x 25cm)
Pair of scissors
1 Pieces of felt in each of red, flesh-tone, or light pink, black, and white
Tailor's chalk or colored pencil
Hot glue gun
To Assemble:
1. To enlarge pattern: Draw a rectangle 7" x 7" (18cm x 18cm) on brown paper. Mark into 1" (2.5cm)
squares. Using Figure 1, transfer patterns to brown paper grid, matcing lines witin eac square. Cut out patterns
2. Using tailor's chalk, trace pattern A, B and D onto red felt, pattern C onto flesh-tone felt,
pattern E onto white felt and pattern F onto black felt. Cut out.
3. Glue hat (pattern B) onto background (pattern A) matching top and sides as shown. Note: glue
only one side edges together.
4,. Glue nose (pattern D) onto face (pattern C) at X. Note: Glue onl top half of nose, rest will
hang below face.
5. Glue both mustaches (patter E) onto face (pattern C) at XX, slightly overlapping onto nose
(pattern D)
6. Glue both eyes (pattern F) onto face (pattern C) at YY
7. To use: fold white paper napkin in thirds, forming a triangle/diamond shape. Starting at the
bottom, push the long point of the napkin up behind face and continue up behind hat to form the point of the hat and Santa's
8. Repeat steps 2 through 8 for as many napkin holders as you need.