The Cat Who Club would like to announce the passing of a great friend..she was a regular member of the club and will
be greatly missed.
Linda Catherine Salo
katmamma2002 / lsal@webtv...Born: October 26, 1948
Died: May 20 2008 Joined The Cat Who Club July 12 2004
Linda Salo was born in West Palm Beach, Fl and resided there until moving to Ft. white, Fl in 1985. She loved the country
and animals and moved there to run a working cattle ranch. She loved all people and did what she could to help them, no matter
the circumstances. She never turned her back on anyone. She also shared the same care for God's furry or feathered creatures,
sometimes denying herself to ensure that the needs of others be met. She was truly a pure and selfless person. Why God took
her at such a young age is a mystery as she had so much more to do..
At an early age she would always volunteer and
help people. When Robyn started kindergarten, Linda volunteered as a teacher's aide for four years. When Robyn was nine years
old, Linda and a friends a 4-H club with fifty kids. Linda converted to Catholicism a few years after getting married and
she always said it made her feel proud and fulfilled. When she moved to ft. White, she ran the cattle ranch until Ron could
join her permanently. She also volunteered at a church run community thrift shop in ft. White for four years where her nick
name was €œMiss Sunshine€. She became the secretary-treasure of the Columbia Southfork Homeowners Association
while also running the ranch and tending to her many pets and animals.
From her daughter:
She was diagnosed with cancer on Monday, May 12, by Friday she could no longer walk or stand or do anything. By Saturday
afternoon we had her taken to the hospice center and she never did wake up again. She was aware the priest gave her last rights,
she was aware when I told her that she could go and not stay and suffer any longer. She passed away less than 8 hours later.
I am sure she is at peace now and not suffering and not afraid any longer
She passed away Tuesday morning, 5/20/08 at 1:55 am. The people at hospice (who are wonderful) said she went peacefully
in her sleep.
William McGean
May 14, 1978-April 23, 2006
To the love of my life; There are so many words that I don't have, so many wishes and regrets. I wait for
you every night and pray to your keeper that you may visit me for one final touch, one last kiss or just one more laugh. I
need you more than I ever expected I would need anyone yet you're gone and I realized it all too late. I knew I loved you
and told you so but we never did anything about it. I always said you loved me but you'd never admit it. Yet you're
gone. And I found out only after that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me. It's true that back then it was all
bad timing but the what ifs, should haves and wishes still haunt me. If I had given you the choice for me to stay or move
away what would you have said. If I had stayed and we continued on the same path, what would have become of us. I'll never
know. I never realized how much I loved you until it was too late. And no experience in my future will ever cause as much
pain as losing you has caused me. But I know your life is better now. If there is a heaven you're there, happy and healthy
and saying "it's all good"
To My Uncle.Gary
I used to love going to the farm. I wish you didn't have to sell it. But I know now it was too much for you to handle
anymore. I loved going there as a child. It was my escape and you knew that too. You toasted me at my wedding, telling stories
of all the things I would do at the farm. People would laugh at the silly stories but deep in your heart you felt the same knew it was more than just a child's way of playing. Somehow you understood what it really meant to me. I miss you.
TRASK, Gary L.TRASK, Gary L. - The death of Gary L. Trask of Hampton, N.B., formerly of Yarmouth,
husband of Beth (Cain) Trask occurred December 3, 2005, at the Saint John Regional Hospital, N.B., after a lengthy battle
with cancer. He was born in Yarmouth, a son of Norma (Doane) Trask and the late Cecil Trask. Gary was a Firefighter at the
Yarmouth Airport for a number of years before transferring to the Saint John Airport where he continued as a firefighter for
several years. He was a past volunteer firefighter for the Yarmouth Volunteer Fire Department as well as a coach for Yarmouth
Minor Baseball. He served as president of the Home and School Association at Hebron Elementary School. Gary was the treasurer
for the Bone Marrow Transplant Support Group at the Saint John Regional Hospital. He enjoyed playing darts and was a former
member of the Hampton Dart League. Surviving, besides his wife, Beth, and mother, Norma, are daughter, Laurie Thurber (Tony),
Freeport; son, Greig Trask (Marcelle), Hampton; sisters, Gail Kenney (Curtis), Tantallon; Elizabeth Gould (Paul), Yarmouth
County; brothers, Bruce Trask (Joan), Yarmouth; Gordon Trask (Ellen), Yarmouth County; George Trask (Joan), Saskatoon, Sask.;
Jon Trask (Joyce), Ottawa; grandchildren, Bryan, Matthew, Gabrielle, Dawson, and Jeremy; several nieces and nephews. Gary
will be greatly missed by his family, many friends and neighbours. The body will be cremated and there will be no visitation
or funeral by request. Interment will be in Mountain Cemetery, Yarmouth, in the spring. Memorials to the Bone Marrow Transplant
Support Group, Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation or a charity of the donor's choice would be appreciated. The arrangements
have been entrusted to Reid's Funeral Home (506-832-5541), Hampton, N.B. On-line donations and condolences may be made at:
To all the cats I’ve loved before: - By Carla
To my first kitty who was soft grey striped and orphaned-my dear
Smoky you were a subject of art.
To my pretty grey and black tabby. Tomisina, you were named after
a movie star.
To little Tom my time with you was so short and you shared your
Mama’s beauty so I gave you her name.
Clarence my handsome cross-eyed boy. You were companion of two families
and my first Siamese goof-ball. My beautiful flame-point your life was cut short due too more adventure than you ever deserved.
Katie my pretty little fluffy green-eyed black kitten. You were
always so meek and mild but you tried to stray too far.
B.C,. my pretty sleek black girl who had two minds with one eye
of green and another orange. I am sorry I didn’t understand your torment.
Sambo my handsome black daddy cat. How you arrived was a mystery
and how long you were able to stay was a mystery too BUT in between you brought me such joy.
My beautiful faithful Velvet so soft and gray, so meek and submissive.
You disappeared and then you returned and gave us many more years of joy. You provided us with pretty babies and gave me something
to live for through my loss of babies of my own and my dear Abigail.
My beautiful Patches with the white spot at the end of her tail
and the split personality. You came into my life and became my best friend. You stayed their 18 years and though you had "
dead turtle breath" and a venomous temper I would have had no other way but to share my life with you. You taught me a Siamese
could be fun, faithful, super intelligent and loyal to the end. I wish I could have told you. And why did you go off like
an old elephant to die. You didn’t need to protect me, I would have been honored to hold your paw.
My little broad-striped brown tabby, with the hazel eyes, what pain
to loose you. Just 6 months you gave me before life was wiped from loving heart. Laughter you gave me hugs you provided, never
a kitty would wrap himself in an embrace with me to sleep. The day you were born and as you grew, you were the most envied
of your litter. I f there had been 20, there would not have been enough. Kisses you allowed even when you became a big bog,
Winston you would run to greet me. If only close by you had stayed my boy.
Each and everyone of you was loved,. You provided friendship when
I needed it, a shoulder to cry on, a listener to my tales, a warm loving body to cuddle. All of you were sent by our God and
Creator to me so we could help one another to survive!