The Cat Who Club

Contest Template

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If you are a member and would like to submit a contest this is the template to use. It can be modified of course depending on your contest material but it gives you an idea of how to present it.
If you create a contest it's YOUR baby. I only post to the site.
Here's a template to follow and what I need from you if you are going to host a contest.
Contest Title:
Start Date:
Categories (cat related, etc) or put down below after the rules. Where is up to you
Deadline for submissions:
Voting Starts (if a vote contest)
Winner/s Announced:
Details of the contest and who to send submissions to:
If there are categories (cat related, etc) then that should be in the rules, or like one entry per person, reply only to (your email address here) etc and that the creator of the contest can't enter.
If there are any exceptions to the rules, put them here in specific detail so as not to confuse anyone.
Disclaimer if necessary:

Once you have decided on all the details put in the above format and send to me ( exactly that way. Also keep in mind that if it's a vote and I'm posting it to the site I need to have all the info and submissions before the deadline so I can post it to the site on time.