Chapter One
By The Lillian Group 2006-2007
It is one of the hottest summers Qwill remembers in Moose county. The theater group
has decided to feature Cat on a Hot Tin Roof this summer. An environmentalist has come into the area. He is there to study
the decrease in beaver on the local creeks and rivers. He appears to be doing special studies at the Ittibittiwassee River.
Things start happening on the site to cause much suspicion and making the environmentalist fear for his group. The water is
decreasing in all the bodies of water and the water around Sandpit road has a foamy white and yellow substance floating on
top of the water. The spring at Squnk Corners is also in danger of becoming contaminated. And Koko appears to be building
a beaver dam on the stairs.
Catmama says:
By Carla:
Qwill wiped his brow. He didn't know how many times he could walk to Pickax this summer. It was too hot! The hottest
summer in Moose county history. Weatherby had told him it was due to global warming.
Elizabeth says:
Qwill remembers asking Weathery, "What is global warming?"
Jan says:
Weatherby tells him: "Global warming is because we all decided we need cars and dont like to ride public transportation
or carpool with a co-worker or neighbor - it's killing the planet - the polar bears in the north pole are starving to death
because the ice is melting and they cannot travel on it to kill seals - in the south pole, the penquins are also endangered
because the ice is melting. Its time we quit thinking about ourselves and think about the planet we live on. What are we going
to leave for our grandchildren - a planet with high toxic gases where plants won't grow and the animals are all gone?"
Qwil mused, " Knew I rode a bicycle for something besides losing weight, doesn't polute the air." As he mounted the
stairs to the cats upper area he found his way blocked by a pile of pencils, pens, and a screwdriver on the thirteenth step.
"What are you two up too? If I didn't know better I'd say you were trying to build a beaver damn!" This revelation gave Qwil
an idea for his next submission for his weekly contribution to the local newspaper. Grabbing a handful of pencils and pens
he headed back down the stairs with the intent of finding a book at Polly's new bookstore on the habits of beavers. "Must
consult that global warming expert in town too."
Arleine Says
As Qwill headed down the stairs, he heard an ear splitting howl from Koko. There was only one thing that meant. He hurried
back upstairs to check the cats. Yum Yum's hair was all bristled out and she was looking out the window towards the Black
Forest. He calmed her down with soothing words, "You are all right my little sweetheart." And softly stroked her smooth silky
fur. He glanced over to Koko. He had no idea where Koko found the hat he was tearing up. Just then the phone rang.
Les Says:
"Hello dearest," Polly said in her sweet tone. "I have an unusual question for you. Are Koko and YumYum behaving
differently? Brutus is kicking food out from his dish and Catta has become quite unsociable." There was a hint of concern
in her voice.