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Take ball of yarn, package of catnip, knitting needle, skewer, crocet hook, or other item to poke holes with, and bottle of white school glue(this is non-toxic because little kids eat it) and quietly sneak off to the bathroom. Close door firmly, ignoring yowls and hisses and make yourself comfortable. Follow steps below:
    1. Make small wad of yarn about little fingernail size, put glue on wad.
    2. Begin winding yarn around wad adding catnip into the layers and a little glue
       now and then. Do not saturate with glue or it will never dry.
    3. Make sure yarn is tightly wrapped.
    4. When ball is as big as you want it, poke hole into ball, apply glue to  end of
        yarn and poke into hole. Use knitting needle, skewer, crochet hook to poke end
       of yarn deep into ball. Use poker to rearrange yarn over hole.
    5. Place ball out of reach for at least 24 hours to dry. This is not necessary but
        will garner 2 distinct advantages. The glue will not stick to the cats and the
        catnip will last longer. Also, you will not have to rewind the ball as often.
If you choose not to follow step 1, you will have lots of help and possibly knots, as cats
are famous for measuring the yarn to their own specifications and cutting it at that length.